By accessing the Aerospace Technology Institute ("ATI") portal and using the ATI
Toolkit you agree to the following terms of use.
The ATI Toolkit, its calculations and its data are owned by the ATI. Results
obtained by using the ATI Toolkit are intended for individuals and organisations
contributing to the growth of the UK aerospace sector.
You are provided access to the ATI Toolkit on the following basis:
Login details – Your login details are for your sole use and must not be shared with
anyone else. If another person within your organisation requires access, please direct
them to the
ATI Tools Portal
where they may also register.
Acceptable uses of the data generated by the ATI Toolkit are:
For legitimate business purposes relating to your research and/or work within
the UK aerospace sector
When substantiating claims made in proposals for funding that are submitted
to the strategic review process of the ATI, Innovate UK and the Department for
Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
When releasing information on ATI-funded projects, in accordance with the project’s
contractual agreement
Other uses of the data generated by the ATI Toolkit can be approved on a
case-by-case. Please
contact us
for any such requests and a member of our team will be in touch.
Fair use – The ATI will monitor access to the ATI Toolkit to ensure fair
use. If there is excessive use or an abnormal usage pattern, the ATI may contact you
to clarify why the ATI Toolkit is being used in that way. Misuse of the
ATI Toolkit may result in access being withdrawn without notice.
The ATI reserves the right to withdraw access to the ATI Toolkit at any time.
The ATI will store and process certain data, please refer to the ATI Toolkit
Data Protection and Handling statement for more information. To comply with the data protection
and handling statement, user accounts will be deleted after five years of inactivity.
You must not log in using anyone else’s login credentials. If you believe you have been provided
details either in error or through a breach of our terms of use, please log out and
the ATI.
All other rights are reserved. The ATI reserves the right to restrict access to any functionality
or material on the ATI portal to any party and organisation in breach of these terms and advise the
ATI's board of directors of the breach.